1. 低操作平臺, 操作高度符合人體工學原理,操作方便科學。
2. PVC顆粒,粉料可以直接一次注射成型,各種反光路錐、路障柱體、方體等產品。
3. 模具簡單,比傳統注塑模具造價低廉,進一步降低投資成本。
4. 材料可回收,反復使用,產品位外表光潔油亮,不需要做任何及處理,成本低又環保。
5. 生產過程中,機器會自動開合模,雙模芯自動左右轉動機械手臂自動取產品,裝卸模具、清洗模具便捷安全。
6. 機器采用編碼器檢測計算,并配合PLC/PC運程,達到全自動生產,工藝流程更加科學合理。
7. 人力需求少,產量更高,而且省電節能性突出。
Full automatic PVC road cones injection moulding machine
1. Low operation height, proper height of control platform fits the body engineering.
2. PVC power or granular material can directly injection all reflective Road cones Barricades cylinder or Barricades cube.
3. Automatically open –mould structure, easier to clean the mould, safer to get out of finished product.
4. Material cost is low. The material can be recycle for re-using. The technology will be more simple than tradition, the finished product is environmental protection and has good surface, no need to process, the cost will be low.
5. Automatically open-mould structure, easier to clean the mould, safer to get out of finished product.’
6. The date is calculated by the PLC/PC, makes the energy precisely controlled.
7. Few workers, high production, save energy.
項目Items |
單位Units |
KR14500-LZ |
加工原料Material |
Kind |
模位數Mould stations |
station |
一模二芯 |
注射容量injection capacity |
g |
3000/4500 |
額定注射壓力injection pressure |
kg/cm2 |
1200 |
螺桿直徑Diameter of screw |
mm |
φ110/φ130 |
螺桿轉速Rotate speed of screw |
r/min |
1-100 |
合模力 Clamping pressure |
kn |
3000 |
容??臻g Mold size |
mm |
115*480*450 |
加熱功率 power of heating plate |
KW |
12.8 |
油泵壓力Hydraulic pressure |
Mpa |
21*1 |
電機功率 Power of motor |
Kw |
45+37 |
總功率 Total power |
Kw |
98 |
機器尺寸Dimension(L*W*H) |
M(L*W*H) |
6.*3.3*3.2 |
機器重量machine weight |
T |
28 |
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